Thursday, July 3, 2014

The 3 biggest right-wing lies about poverty by Robert B. Reich

The theme of the Conference on Research Directions 2015, sponsored by ISAAC will be wealth development and economic issues that affect the educational fortunes of African American children.  Our opening keynote speaker on May 4, 2015 will be Dalton Conley, author of Being Black:  Living in the Red.  African American Learners, journal of ISAAC is preparing to issue a Call for Papers designed to flesh out a Ten Point Program to guide the award of reparations for the development of African American youth and educational institutions due to the devastating effect of slavery and discrimination on our community.  African American Learners is joining with the Journal of African American History, The Black Scholar, The Journal of Black Psychology and other scholarly journals in issuing a call for manuscripts on this subject.

As a part of creating a dialogue on economic policies that impede the provision of equal educational opportunities for children, I am sharing an article by Robert B. Reich that appeared in the Detroit Free Press on June 30, 2014.  Please click the link to read the article.  You can post the article on social media sites and invite your colleagues to comment on this Blog.  You can also indicate that you want to be notified when comments are made.  In that way, you will receive an email alert that new comments have been posted.

Click on this link to read the commentary:

Join us in discussion the issues in this article.  Send me other links that I can post on the blog to enrich the discussion.

Robert B. Reich is a former U.S. labor secretary and Chancellor's Professor of public policy at the University of California, Berkeley